Hello, this is our new PAMM account —— Systemstar ver.1.1

Тема в разделе "Предложения инвесторов, трейдеров.", создана пользователем SystemStar, 16 июн 2012.

  1. SystemStar

    SystemStar Новичок

    SystemStar ver.1.1 is a trend trading system,It is to trade 3-5 times of a week.every trade has SL and TP,.this is an easy trade.It's keep simple.It take the little risk to earn big profits. If you have enough patience, the system will have a surprise.Easy trade and good luck!​

    This is our Instaforex PAMM account.

    And this is our Forex4you PAMM account.​

    thank you! ^prz^​
  2. SystemStar

    SystemStar Новичок

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